The Perks of having a flatmate

installation view at gallery jeleni, prag (photo by Adéla Vosičková)

The perks of having a flatmate

10 photo slides, slide viewer, light table
Gallery Jeleny, Prague, Fotograf Festival 2020

As if through a door peephole, the slide viewer can be used to look into the private, unstaged moments of living together. The photographs are a selection of everyday situations from 2017-2020 and document how various apartments have been changed by roommates.

installation views: Adéla Vosičková

slides from the perks of having a flat mate
installation view at gallery jeleni, prag (photo by Adéla Vosičková)
installation view at gallery jeleni, prag (photo by Adéla Vosičková)

As if through a door peephole, the slide viewer can be used to look into the private, unstaged moments of living together. The photographs are a selection of everyday situations from 2017-2020 and document how various apartments have been changed by roommates.

As if through a door peephole, the slide viewer can be used to look into the private, unstaged moments of living together. The photographs are a selection of everyday situations from 2017-2020 and document how various apartments have been changed by roommates.

#photography #galerie jeleni #prag #prague #fotograf festival #fotofamu #famu und

#galerie jeleni #prag #prague #fotograf festival #fotofamu #famu #photography

#prague #fotograf festival #fotofamu #famu #photography  #galerie jeleni #prag

the perks of a flatmate the perks of a flatmate

The Fotograf Festival explores intersections in photography and contemporary art – just like its partner projects – Fotograf Gallery and Fotograf Magazine. Festival is held in Autumn months and it presents current topic through solo as well as group exhibitions prepared in cooperation with invited domestic or foreign curators in various Prague galleries and institutions. A series of discussions, site-specific events, public space exhibitions, projections and guided/commented tours accompany that exhibition program. Fotograf Festival is the only thematic- and curator-conceived photography festival in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to promote the photographic medium and its broader integration into contemporary art and into the conscience of the general public.